Try this when you're judging 🫣 how you feel
Taking a break from my Outgrow the Grind podcast has been wonderful. It's made space for me to really slow down, visit dear friends, and be deadline-free for a bit.
Aaaaaaaaand, because I like to keep it real with you, the spaciousness has also made way for big emotions that I wasn't feeling as much when I was busier.
Podcast: “Making Space for Imperfection” on Headphones and Crayons with Nikita Burks-Hale
Sometimes we get so afraid of messing up that we don’t give ourselves the chance to try. What if there was a way to walk this journey from a place of neutrality?
Happy Summer Solstice!
The solstice is a time to welcome change and allow your own light to shine even more brightly.
A menu of ✨ inspiration for you!
I want to share some of my most recent podcast episodes with you just in case they might serve as a source of inspiration or delight for you.