Bring more ease and enchantment into your life by putting yourself first.
If you're an ambitious and nurturing woman who’s ready to give yourself permission to allow more ease and enchantment into your life ― join me in New Mexico for a full day of deep nourishment for your mind, body, and soul.
We all know the line “Put your own oxygen mask on before assisting others.”
Sure, it makes sense. But it can be hard to put into practice when you’re not 40,000 feet off the ground in an airplane.
If most of your time, energy, and attention goes toward helping others when you are gulping for air, it’s natural to feel unfocused, overwhelmed, and like you’re always chasing after your growing to-do list.
Ready to experience a new way of living?
Join me in tranquil New Mexico for a one-on-one personal retreat to…
nourish YOU first.
You’ve been juggling a lot. On your own.
You’re overwhelmed by your never-ending To Do list and you’re tired of the same ol’ scenery.
And even though the pandemic is over, you still feel the impacts of increased responsibilities at home and work and the burnout that comes with it.
What you’re really craving is ease.
And a sense of enchantment.
In a beautiful, soul-nourishing, new-to-you place.
Without the responsibilities and distractions of daily life vying for your attention [or the resentment that follows after tending to them].
More “oasis” than “oh shit, another fire to put out!”
When’s the last time you felt ease + enchantment?
ease: “absence of difficulty or effort.”
enchantment: “a feeling of great pleasure; delight.”
I bet it was fleeting. And hard to enjoy because you felt guilty about all the things you “should” be checking off on your big ol’ To Do List.
How would it feel to trade your daily responsibilities for ease and enchantment that you can taste, touch, see, smell, and hear?
With allllll that you pour into others at home and at work, you deserve access to your precious time, energy and attention too.
Not when you “earn” it or when you’ve checked off everything on your list, but now.
An Ease + Enchantment Day is for you if…
People lean on you heavily at home and work. You’re the one who who smooths out tensions, finds the missing sock in the sock drawer, and says “yes” to every request (even when you have no more room on your already full plate).
You don’t want to let anyone down. You feel anxious at the thought of your words or actions upsetting someone. Especially if asking for what you need means that someone else will be disappointed in you.
You rarely ask for help or support. You’re a one-woman show: planner, fixer, mind-reader, over-deliverer. Delegation? Yeah, right. Downtime? Never heard of her. Friendships where you receive as much as you give? Not so much.
Your list is never-ending. The moment your head hits the pillow, your mind lists [with impressive speed] all the things you didn’t get done today—and every way you failed to meet your own exacting standards.
Your private Ease + Enchantment Day includes…
Before your Ease + Enchantment Day…
You’ll fill out the application.
I’ll reach out to you to schedule a 30-minute Alignment Call.
We’ll have a 1-hour design call two weeks before you and I meet in Santa Fe. We’ll ask the question: What’s getting in the way of you experiencing ease and enchantment in your daily life? We'll design a customized agenda just for you that has space for focused coaching, experiential exercises (I have 40+ exercises, visualizations, and guided meditations in my “toolbox”!), and free space for you to follow your own intuition.
We’ll also have a 30-minute check-in call one week before we meet in Santa Fe for you to talk through what you’re excited about, what you’re nervous about, and how we want to update our plan to best align exactly what you’re needing and wanting now.
During your Ease + Enchantment Day…
Your day will start with breakfast at the Blue Heron Cafe at 10am. You’ll receive 6 hours of focused coaching and experiential exercises that will give you access to deep ease and enchantment felt in your body, mind, and soul. Your agenda will be deeply informed by the tranquility of our high desert setting.
You’ll soak in relaxing spring-fed thermal pools + a Saltwater pool so you can remember what it feels like to let go and float.
You’ll have access to wide open spaces on 77 acres in New Mexico’s magical high desert with over 5 miles of private hiking trails to soak in the wisdom and enchantment found only in nature.
You’ll eat locally-inspired, farm-fresh meals for breakfast and lunch at Blue Heron Cafe to nourish your body with the freshest ingredients (many grow on-site at Ojo Farm!)!
After your Ease + Enchantment Day…
You will return your life with a fuller cup, one that can pour into others from overflow instead of self-sacrifice. You may also notice more access to your creativity, energy, and sense of aliveness.
One week after our day together, we’ll do another 1-hour call to digest and debrief the ripple effect of choosing you for one full day.
You’ll also receive one month of email and voice note support to help you integrate what you learned in your Ease + Enchantment Day into your daily life back at home.
It doesn’t include…
For maximum ease and enchantment, your experience is completely customizable to suit your needs.
You’ll cover your airfare and lodging. For more information, check out the FAQs at the bottom of this page.

What if you gave yourself permission to join me?
Just imagine…
It’s the morning after your Ease + Enchantment Day.
You’re cradled by a hammock as you drink your warm vanilla latte and watch the colors in the sky change as the sun rises.
You inhale the crisp, fresh, piñon air underneath a canopy of cottonwood and aspen trees.
The birds greet you as your body starts to wake up.
You decide to go for a soak.
You slip out of your cozy microfiber spa robe and immerse your body inch by inch into the spring-fed thermal pool all to yourself. Steam rises from the pool.
The solitude and 103 degree water is the perfect recipe for melting away any remaining tension in your body, mind, and spirit.
You breathe in the moment with a deep inhale so you can remember this tranquil feeling in all five of your senses and revisit it again even after you’re back home.
You reflect on the day we’ve spent together and all of the unexpected ways that you’ve allowed more ease and enchantment into your life in the last 24 hours.
You smile thinking about all that has shifted for you.
You’re proud of yourself because you said YES.
Yes to your nourishment.
Yes to experiential exercises and coaching focused entirely on you while soaking in hot springs under the expansive New Mexico sky.
Yes to slowing down.
Yes to choosing to extract yourself from the daily demands and distractions of your life.
Yes to allowing yourself to be lovingly supported in the way you often give but rarely receive.
Yes to the Blue Corn, Prickly Pear, Sea Salt Scrub with Hot Oil Hair Therapy spa treatment.
Yes to getting out of your head and into your heart.
Yes to trying your first [or favorite!] green chile cheeseburger.
Yes to YOU.
After your Ease + Enchantment Day, you’ll…
Be attuned to what ease and enchantment feels like in your body and know that it’s a place you can return to again, even in your demanding daily life.
Feel what it’s like to prioritize you and allow yourself to receive support from someone else. Nourishing you is necessary, NOT selfish!
Be recharged and reminded of who you are beyond what you do.
Be more calm and present.
Believe [and have evidence for the fact] that your worth isn’t dependent on your productivity or output.
Have more access to your gut instinct and inner voice, and less trapped by the fear of letting people down when you say no.
Know, without a doubt that your needs and wants matter. That YOU matter.
“Every person needs to take one day away. A day in which one consciously separates the past from the future. Jobs, family, employers, and friends can exist one day without any one of us, and if our egos permit us to confess, they could exist eternally in our absence. Each person deserves a day away in which no problems are confronted, no solutions searched for. Each of us needs to withdraw from the cares which will not withdraw from us.”
What makes me the right guide for you?
As a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, Heart-Centered Facilitator, and life-long lover of the adventure and aliveness only found while traveling, I’ve dreamed of offering a retreat to exhausted nurturers for 12 years.
And even more than my professional background, I know what it’s like to give everything I have to my job and my relationships and then blame myself for not being better at prioritizing what I need.
I know what a painful pattern this is.
And how it’s almost impossible to break when life is coming at us a million miles an hour and we tell ourselves that we’ll prioritize us after the big event at work // the kids get older // we get more things “done.”
Last year, while on vacation at one of my favorite places on earth, I received the crystal clear message that the place I’ve wanted to share with amazing women like you is a hot springs resort in New Mexico.
The moment I had this realization, I was sitting by myself at breakfast, looking out the window at the desert grass...
Watching guests walk slooooooooowly towards the hot pools in their cozy robes, peaceful smiles on their faces.
Light Spanish guitar was playing on the speakers and the smell of fresh coffee brewing danced through the air.
The contrast between the warm, earthy, not-quite-orange adobe buildings lined with luminarias and the bright blue sky was soul-soothing.
I felt ease and enchantment in every bone of my body - two qualities that I don’t embody as often as I’d love to in my daily life.
No wonder New Mexico is the Land of Enchantment.
There’s a rare and special medicine that high-achieving, nurturing women receive from stepping away from our distraction-filled, daily lives to slow down and surrender to more ease + enchantment.
Get a sense of what it’ll be like…
Spring-fed thermal pools in the summertime. Photo by Ojo Santa Fe.
Take a dip in the new spring-fed Sages pool. Photo by Ojo Santa Fe.
The beauty of the Ojo Santa Fe campus and the bright high desert color palette. Photo by Ojo Santa Fe.
There's nothing like a great conversation while soaking! Photo by Ojo Santa Fe.
Yoga under the cottonwoods, anyone? Photo by Ojo Santa Fe.
Enjoy daily yoga if your body and soul are craving expansion. Photo by Ojo Santa Fe.
What’s the investment?
Payment Plan: $1,497
(3 payments of $499)
Pay in full: $1,197
What my clients have to say…
"I feel completely seen and held. It's safe to break down. It's equally safe to shine. And Stacy helped me tap into the wisdom in my BODY, which is so different than what I usually do (which is plow through with mental energy/ruminating on a problem).”
Vanessa, Entrepreneur + Toddler Mom + Lover of Outdoor Adventures
"I'm in such a better place after having done the work with Stacy. I know I like myself more and I'm sure, as a result, others in my life feel the same way."
Caroline, Creative Professional + Bright Fashionista + Live Music Aficionado
"[Stacy] validated that my desire to take a long nap and play more was exactly what I needed, and she outlined a way to help me add more of those things in my life. Stacy's validation that rest and play are my birthright—not odd-shaped edges that I need to forgo/wear down to get what I really want—has been my north star."
Nita, Compassionate Communication Expert + Adorer of Dogs and Kind People
Frequently Asked Questions
As women, we’ve been conditioned to put what we need and want last. To make sure everyone else is taken care of before setting for the leftover crumbs. There’s another way, my friend. When you fill up your cup first, you can give from overflow instead of self-sacrifice.
An entire day designed just for you will allow you to give from a place of overflow.
“Delight yourself and you delight the world.” -SARK
What a great question!
We will customize your Ease + Enchantment Day entirely based on what you need and want.
While there are some exercises I have in mind to get you in touch with the qualities of Ease and Enchantment, we’ll design the rest of the day with coaching and exercises customized entirely for you. And, we’ll have some free space so you can soak up the rare opportunity to put yourself first.
Some example exercises we might add to your agenda include…
A guided visualization while you relax in a hammock.
Coaching on what’s in the way of more ease and enchantment as we hike on a beautiful high desert trail.
Embodying what it feels like to surrender while floating in the hot springs followed by coaching on what you want to let go of.
During our alignment call (scheduled after you complete the application here), you’ll pick a date from the open dates in my calendar.
Please know that your Ease + Enchantment Day needs to be scheduled at least one month in advance.
Absolutely! I’d love to customize an Ease + Enchantment Day for you at the location of your choice.
I have many favorite resorts located across the US that will also connect you with a sense of ease and enchantment. My favorites include:
*Omni Grove Park Inn in Asheville, North Carolina
*Fairmont Sonoma Mission Inn and Spa in Sonoma, California
*Wiesbaden Hot Springs and Spa in Ouray, Colorado
*The Springs Resort in Pagosa Springs, Colorado
*Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs in Taos, New Mexico
*Ten Thousand Waves in Santa Fe, New Mexico
*Ruby’s Spa and Salon at McMenamin’s Edgefield in Troutdale, Oregon
*Chico Hot Springs Resort in Pray, Montana
The closest airport is Santa Fe New Mexico Regional Airport (SAF). This small airport is a 10-15 minute drive away from Ojo Santa Fe.
Another option is Albuquerque International Sunport (ABQ). This larger airport is a 45-minute to one hour drive from Ojo Santa Fe.
ABQ is usually more affordable because there are more flights in and out each day. I encourage you to check prices for both!
Yes! I’ll share information about renting a car, airport shuttles, public transportation, and rideshare options.
I’ll arrive in the area 1-2 days before your Ease + Enchantment Day and would be happy to pick you up from the Albuquerque or Santa Fe airport.
Where you decide to stay is entirely up to you!
You may want to stay on site at Ojo Santa Fe Spa and Resort, or at a historic hotel near downtown Santa Fe, or at an airbnb, hotel or bed and breakfast in a Santa Fe or Albuquerque neighborhood that you want to explore.
If you decide not to stay at the Resort, the cost of your Day Soaking pass will be included in your Ease + Enchantment Day.
Feel free to plan your family vacation or friends getaway around your Ease + Enchantment Day - there’s so much for everyone to enjoy in the New Mexico high desert!
Your feeling free to say what you want to in a private environment is very important to me. I’ll be in touch with the resort about guest capacity for your Ease + Enchantment Day and if the number of guests is high, I’ll rent a private soaking pool for a portion of our time together.
There are lots of pools to explore on the property, so we’ll try out different pools with various temperatures and views as well.
You’re in luck! The Blue Heron Restaurant has vegetarian options, vegan options, and gluten free options indicated on their menus. Some dishes can also be customized to accommodate vegetarian or gluten-free requests.
The Blue Heron proudly serves locally harvested, organic produce and grass-fed, hormone-free meats from Ojo Farm and Beck & Bulow, a local butcher.
There are many things to do at Ojo Santa Fe (and, it’s a place where doing absolutely nothing is encouraged too)!
Activities for Ojo Santa Fe guests include:
Unlimited access to communal soaking pools.
Complimentary daily yoga classes.
The option to rent a private tub or private soaking pool.
Hiking and biking trails.
Local coffee and tea.
Free Wi-Fi.
Free parking.
Yes. The payment plan is 3 payments of $499.
Please let me know if you’d like to pay using a payment plan on your application.
After applying, you’ll be asked to submit a non-refundable security deposit of $499.
If your plans change after paying your security deposit, you will receive a credit of the amount you’ve paid for a future 1:1 Day, coaching sessions, or women’s circles.
Hi friends,
Thank you for considering joining me for an Ease + Enchantment Day.
It’s a place to slow waaaaay down.
To tune into your body and what she needs.
To reconnect with yourself.
To let go of being helpful or productive.
To reconnect with your precious needs and give yourself permission to honor what you want.
To remember who you are underneath all of the things you do.
To rekindle your connection with yourself in a new place, with new experiences, and new discoveries.
To be kinder with yourself.
To allow yourself to embody ease + enchantment.
I hope you’ll join me.
With love,