How Caroline went from resentful to JOY-FULL! ✨
You've heard about my Outgrow the Grind Women's Circle.
But what's it actually like from a participant’s perspective?
Meet [very sweet!] Caroline, Creative Professional + Bright Fashionista + Live Music Aficionado.
She's also the participant that blurted out "this shit really works!" in our 3rd session together.
For when you feel invisible.
What’s the true cost of our invisibility, both for us and for our world?
What new ideas never get created?
How many people miss the opportunity to truly know us when we’re hidden in plain sight?
And how do we see ourselves when other people aren’t?
No more waiting to exhale.
Giving yourself permission to prioritize your needs is not only an investment in yourself, it's also an investment in the people you love.
Just like a full inhale and exhale gives you more energy, strength, and longevity when you're swimming, prioritizing your needs will give you more energy to share in a sustainable way.
Does more self-care=more happiness?
Society tells you that you need better self-care to be happier.
But not many people are telling you that you also need to believe you deserve your own attention to make it happen.
Will bubble baths + massages + pedicures make you happier?
Not if you feel so burdened by guilt that you can’t enjoy them.