Does more self-care=more happiness?

Society tells you that you need better self-care to be happier.

But not many people are telling you that you also need to believe you deserve your own attention to make it happen.

Will bubble baths + massages + pedicures make you happier?

Not if you feel so burdened by guilt that you can’t enjoy them.

The guilt that you [and pretty much every woman you know] is manufactured by patriarchal culture.

Our patriarchal culture wants you to believe that your sole purpose is to serve other people.

And it tells you that when you’re not doing that, you’re being selfish.

So how do you begin to believe that you deserve your own attention?

Especially when there’s a lot of noise out there that tells us the exact opposite?

One way is to reconnect with who you ARE beyond what you DO [and specifically what you do for others].

I’d be honored to guide you on the path of remembering who you really are and help build your sense of your innate deservingness.

Without having to “earn” self-care or feel guilty while you do it.

My next women's circle starts on April 11th (yes, in one month)!

It's a six month, small group coaching program that includes: a supportive and inspiring community + 1:1 coaching + powerful practices to empower you to be first on your list instead of last.

There are only six spots in the program, and it's by application only.

And, for the first time, I'm offering tiered, equity-based pricing.

Get all the juicy details and the link to apply here.

YES to caring for yourself with as much kindness as you bring to others!!

Self-care is not selfish.

With love,


P.S. I'm turning 40 tomorrow and you better believe I'll be honoring myself and knowing I deserve it all. day. long!!

P.P.S. To see highlights from my 80s themed birthday party in the woods on Saturday, check out my reel. Here's one pic of me dancing on the table in my glittery getup...


No more waiting to exhale.


I’m sending love your way