No more waiting to exhale.

Get ready my friend, because I have a story to share with you today that might surprise you!

I started competitive swimming when I was 8 years old (see the pic at the bottom of this email for proof).

It wasn’t until high school that I realized my breathing technique was making me work twice as hard as everybody else.

For 7 years, I had been inhaling and exhaling with my head above the water, not even realizing the torture I was putting myself through.

I had constant neck pain and ended up being my chiropractor's youngest client.

It wasn't until my high school swim coach observed me swimming and pointed out that I wasn't exhaling under the water that I realized what was really going on (thank you, George!).

Let me tell you something, I was completely oblivious to the extra work I was doing.

I just thought this was how everyone breathed while they swam and although it felt uncomfortable and cumbersome, I thought it was “normal.”

You may be working twice as hard as you need to be working too.

Holding your breath a lot and only exhaling and inhaling quickly in between your other commitments…

Managing the symptoms instead of the root cause…

Wondering why it seems so much easier for other people…

But also thinking that’s just “how it is”...

It doesn’t have to be this way.

With the right guidance and support, you can identify where you're overworking and try a new, easier way!

Giving yourself permission to prioritize your needs is not only an investment in yourself, it's also an investment in the people you love.

Just like a full inhale and exhale gives you more energy, strength, and longevity when you're swimming, prioritizing your needs will give you more energy to share in a sustainable way.

And let me tell you, sharing from a place of overflow and joy is so much better than sharing from a place of obligation and resentment.

It's better for everyone!!

In my work with clients, I help them identify areas in their lives where they’re overworking and then support them in creating a plan that feels right for them.

Trust me, giving yourself permission to prioritize your needs and follow your dreams will lead to a more fulfilling life for both you and those around you.

So why not join my next six-month women's circle and experience this for yourself? We begin on Tuesday, April 11th.

Let's swim a little easier through life together!

With love,


Greetings from young 8-year-old me in between laps at the unforgivingly cold City Pool.


For when you feel invisible.


Does more self-care=more happiness?