Stacy Raye Kellogg Stacy Raye Kellogg

When there's no room to breathe [and you think that’s as good as it gets]

Just like a full inhale and exhale gives you more energy, strength, and longevity when you're swimming, prioritizing your needs gives you more energy to show up for what matters in a sustainable way.

And let me tell you, showing up from a place of overflow and joy is so much more sustainable than showing up from a place of obligation and resentment.

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Stacy Raye Kellogg Stacy Raye Kellogg

8 questions, 8 answers!

I 💜 love getting questions about my next women's circle!

Especially now that we're only one week away from our Welcome Call on June 11th.

Here are a few of the questions I've been getting with [as short 'n sweet as I can give 'em] answers...

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Stacy Raye Kellogg Stacy Raye Kellogg

Save me, 3-day weekend!

My 3-day weekends used to be all about moving away from (aka escaping) my overworking and burnout.

Now*, my 3-day weekends are about moving towards what makes me feel the most alive.

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