Looking for love in all the right places
Valentine's Day has always been a favorite holiday of mine for as long as I can remember. 💕
As a collector of heart-shaped rocks and sunglasses, I love love.
Even when it's celebrated with cliché hallmark cards, a questionable assortment of chocolates, and your run-o'-the-mill dozen red roses with baby's breath.
Even when it comes at a time of major overwhelm and uncertainty.
Partially because my Valentine this year is a Weimaraner dog named Cobe and partially because I know we can all use more love right now, I wrote a little something in my notes app.
Love is...
The crinkle of crows feet that come along with a big smile
A gentle hand on the back of someone grieving
Showing up to the important moments, especially when you're scared you'll get it wrong
Speaking in facial expressions or sitting in silence with the people that are easy to be with
Allowing who someone really is to take you by surprise
Being gentle with ourselves
The accidental [or perfectly on purpose] honesty of what kids say
Adults with amazing imaginations
The uncontainable tears and laughter at funerals and weddings
Trusting your gut on the no's and the yesses, and then saying it
The power of creativity while in motion (flights and road trips and long walks)
Staying in the conversation even when you disagree
Our loved ones who have passed visiting us as animals (I see you, Grandpa!)
Starting fresh with an airport boot shine or a visit to the car wash
Those people who have a special way of making anyone laugh
Two-way, mutual curiosity and care
Feeling beams of sunlight on your closed eyelids
People gathering together in a community where they feel seen and valued
Talking with people instead of at people
Making time to listen to the kids and the old folks
Paying your respects to your loved ones who have passed in seen and unseen ways
Admitting when you don’t know something or you need help
Bending the rules when it’s the right thing to do
The power of asking “How’s your heart?”
What unexpected places and moments are you finding love in? I'd be delighted to read yours - if you want to, share in the comments below!
Sending you love,
PS. My dear friend David and I led a free and informal "Nurture Your Nervous System" call last month and we're doing it again! The next one is on Thursday, February 27th (the New Moon!) from 7-8pm ET. Register here.