Craving more creativity?

With so many massive federal cuts, and news being blasted at us nonstop, many of which directly impacts the people we love, it is a very understandable response to feel overwhelmed, heartbroken, and angry (among many other emotions).

I've talked to friends and colleagues about the dilemma of how much is too much when it comes to staying informed. My hunch is that you too have pondered this question.

Here's what's been helpful for me that might be helpful for you: I've noticed that when I carve out time and space for creativity, I get a much needed healing reprieve from all of that external noise.

Sometimes my creativity shows up in:

  • Arranging a fresh cut bouquet of forsythia (pic below!)

  • Doodling on little scraps of paper

  • Writing a poem in the notes app of my phone

  • Getting a burst of inspiration about what to share with my Outgrow the Grind women's circle folks, then following it

  • Picking the exact right purple sparkly polish at the nail salon (zoom in on my thumb in the pic below!)

What's your creative outlet when you're feeling overwhelmed?

Here are two upcoming opportunities that might satiate your creativity craving:

🌸 Come To Your Senses Poetry Workshop

If you're craving a deeper connection with your creative side, join my friend and colleague Robert Martin's upcoming workshop called Come to Your Senses: a poetry workshop for non-poets. [Poets welcome too!]

As Robert mentions on his page, "to paraphrase the award-winning poet, Mary Oliver, poetry is the doorway through which another voice may speak."

Robert's workshop is happening on Saturday, March 16th from 5-7 ET and all of the details are right here.

Robert has a way of reminding people of their innate creativity in a way that both surprises and delights them. Join if you can!

🌾 Nurture Your Nervous System Monthly Call

Since the beginning of the year, my friend David and I have been leading monthly Nurture Your Nervous System calls (yes, I know it's only been two calls, but it feels so good to make a monthly commitment to something that's genuinely fun!).

In last month's call, we each did some drawing while listening to one of David's favorite playlists (it's called "Calming Music for Dogs" and it's amazing!).

I'd forgotten that the simple act of choosing which pen colors to use or deciding how thick to make each line could be meditative.

At the end of that call, one participant said "I feel at home."

It felt so good to receive that feedback. Especially since David and I created this offering outta the blue mostly because the two of us needed it ourselves. Having more folks join us has been icing on the cake!

If you'd like to join us this month (on Saturday, March 29th at 10am ET, we've been meeting monthly on the New Moon!), register here.

In each call, we make room for centering, connection, and share a practice to calm your nervous system.

Passing the mic (or keyboard?) to Elizabeth Gilbert for one final promotion of creativity...

Creativity is sacred, and it is not sacred.
What we make matters enormously, and it doesn’t matter at all.
We toil alone, and we are accompanied by spirits.
We are terrified, and we are brave.
Art is a crushing chore and a wonderful privilege.
Only when we are at our most playful can divinity finally get serious with us.
Make space for all these paradoxes to be equally true inside your soul, and I promise you can do anything.
So please calm down now and get back to work, okay?
The treasures that are hidden inside you are hoping you will say yes
— Elizabeth Gilbert

I'm wishing you moments of reconnection with your own creativity this week.

Cheers to saying yes,


It’s starting to look like Spring in Georgia!


Looking for love in all the right places