3 ways for you to grow

I hope this note finds you feeling replenished after a restful weekend with the people you love.

I have three exciting announcements to share with you today!

The first is that today’s new podcast episode is hot off the podcast press.

In it, I share 💌 a love letter to all of you deeply caring, high achieving women.

You are so very loved. ❤️

I also share more about my own grind of putting my needs last in my final full-time job and how I outgrew a set of crummy patterns one step [and lots n lots of plant metaphors 🌱] at a time.

And how my experience deepened my calling to help women like you.

Tune in here.

Behind Door #2 is my brand new program that I've been dreaming of putting out into the world for YEARS!

I’ve designed a group coaching circle for six deeply caring, high achieving women who are ready to trade the daily grind and the guilt for growth.

The Outgrow the Grind Heart Centered Women’s Circle gives you the support, community and practices to put yourself first instead of last.

And, [one of the things I'm most jazzed about] is that your six-month growth journey is guided by four phases of growth...

  • Seed 🫘

  • Sprout 🌱

  • Grow 🌿

  • Bloom 🌷

Get all of the juicy details right here.

We start next month!

Feel free to email me if you have any questions by replying to this email.

Announcement #3 is an invitation to check out last week’s Outgrow the Grind episode [if you haven’t already]!

It features one of my all-time favorite women Carlyn Morris, Founder and Chief Adventure Officer at Back to Wild Adventures.

Carlyn shares what it was like to outgrow her 25-year career in advertising and create the business of her dreams that honors her deepest callings and values [AND her precocious inner 7-year-old]!

One listener said this episode has “a bit of wisdom, a dash of inspiration, and a heaping helping of fun.” 🥰

Take a listen.

There’s a theme to these three announcements… growth!!

Little by little...

Seen and unseen...

You are growing in new directions.

“long before the flower bloomed,

it was only just a seed,

waiting to spring up in season,

not rushing a single thing.

never giving us all the details

of how it planned to grow,

never once apologizing for the days

that it moved a little slow...

when we look at that seed, we know

there is no need to rush its bloom.

for we know that that seed

will surely grow

in the timing

it was meant to”

-Morgan Harper Nichols (@morganharpernichols)

I’m wishing you a week full of opportunities to grow.

With love,



What treasures are hiding in YOUR 💜?


A good surprise and a not-so-good surprise!