It’s almost time…

Here's the thing. At the end of the day, making 2023 your best year yet comes down to four things:

  1. Reflecting on what worked and what didn't last year

  2. Forgiving and letting go so you can fully transition to 2023

  3. Dreaming up what a meaningful year looks like for you

  4. Planning your (unique to you) ideal year

I know it sounds simple, but it's not easy.

Especially when there are more commitments, invitations, tasks, and To Dos stacking up allllll the time.

Maybe you lose your motivation trying to do it by yourself.

And it feels next to impossible to carve out time and space to focus on you!

Or when you do try to focus on you, other people seem to need even more from you at that exact moment...

You 💯 fully deserve your own time, energy, and attention towards crafting a wonderful new year.

And sometimes, the only way to get it is to join a 2-hour workshop on a Saturday where your precious attention is less accessible to everyone else and more accessible to you! #distractionsbegone

Are you ready for 2023 to be your best yet?

Join my Consciously Close 2022 + Create 2023 workshop tomorrow (on Zoom from 1-3 pm ET).

I'll help you review, learn from, and celebrate 2022, and then prepare for, envision, and plan an even better 2023.

Here's what you'll get on our call:

  • A two hour small group experience with other folks who want to be more intentional with their time

  • A 20-page (fillable, digital) workbook to guide your 2022 reflection and your 2023 dreaming with both structure and creativity

  • During the workshop, you'll have time to reflect on your own AND the opportunity to share what you're noticing with the larger group. (There's no pressure to share - only what you're comfortable with!)

  • A recording of the call so you can revisit the material whenever ya like.

  • Support, accountability and follow-up the week after our workshop so you can gain some momentum bringing your plan to life

Do you have questions? Email me at and I'll get back to you right away.

P.S. Bring a friend and get 20% off with the discount code BRINGABUDDY. Or, be my buddy and get 20% off!


I’m sending love your way


Time management + the Titanic