I’m offering equity-based, pay-what-you-choose pricing for this Women’s Circle.

Because we all have different financial experiences and social inequities give systemic advantages to some groups over others, there are 3 different pricing tiers for this circle. Payment plans are available at every pricing tier.

I know how life-changing women’s circles can be, and it’s important to me that there are multiple access points for you to join us. This equity pricing model and tiers were created by Alexis J. Cunningfolk.

Please read the following criteria and use the honor system to identify which tier best reflects your financial experience, based on the ways that your social position gives you access to privilege and capital.

Tiered pricing relies on trust.

I trust you to be honest with me about your financial circumstances. Your honesty helps us to grow a more inclusive community and respects the contributions that each of us make towards our circle, and to me, as your coach and circle-holder.

There are 3 pricing tiers.

This women’s circle is packed with value because I care about your growth.

Want to know the actual value of all the benefits?

  • Small group coaching for six months so you have access to new practices and a small community of supportive women to grow with, 14 sessions every two weeks (valued at $3,500). Check out the Syllabus.

  • One-on-one coaching so you have individual attention on your unique growth, 4 sessions (valued at $1,200)

  • Unlimited Voxer for six months so you can access coaching and community whenever you need it (valued at $3,000)

  • 4 Workbooks: so you have a guide for learning and reflection during each phase of your growth (valued at $400)

  • 4 Spotify Playlists: so you can embody your growth with music that speaks to each of the four growth phases (valued at $100)

  • Online private community (not Facebook, yay!) so you can ask questions, get support, or celebrate a win anytime you’d like (priceless!)

  • BONUS: Boundary Setting Scripts so you can say no with ease at work or home (valued at $200)

When you add it all up, it’s a total value of $8,400.

I offer equity-based, pay-what-you-choose pricing for the women’s circle that ranges from $200 - $600 per month.

What previous women’s circle clients say about the program…