Here’s our program syllabus:

SEED Phase

Embrace Your Essence

  • Reconnect with who you were before the world told you to doubt yourself.

  • Remember when you were five years old and you would say “yes” and “no” with enthusiasm?

  • We’ll do an exercise that helps you tap into your unapologetic spark and confidence again.

Validate Your Values

  • The path to fulfillment is paved with honoring and living your unique values (and when you're not, you burn out).

  • When you don’t know what matters most to you, it makes sense that you’d respond and react to other people’s needs and desires in place of your own.

  • You’ll explore what matters most to you and start to weave those values into your everyday life more.


Slay Your Saboteurs

  • We all have inner critics that hijack us to keep us safe, and it can be quite painful.

  • Who are your inner critics? What do they say? How do you know in your body when they start to take over?

  • You’ll learn to differentiate between your inner critic’s voice and your own voice. You’ll also learn what to do when they show up and stop blaming yourself for what they say.

Surpass Your Self-Judgment

  • Our most brutal self-judgment attacks us when we start to grow beyond what’s been comfortable.

  • You’ll learn how to turn the volume down on your self-judgment, guilt, and self-doubt that's blocking your brilliance.

  • You’ll also learn how to forgive yourself and others.

GROW Phase

Align with Your Aliveness

  • You’ll audit and align with what helps you feel the most alive, nourished, and inspired.

  • Starting with small steps at first, you’ll intentionally begin to create a life that reflects your needs, values and big dreams.

  • Gone are the days of investing your precious time and energy in many competing directions for obligations that don’t reflect you or who you want to be.

Bolster Your Boundaries

  • What are the things that you’ve wanted to do but you don’t have enough space, time, energy in your life because you’re not saying no?

  • You will learn how to grow beyond automatic yesses by default, people-pleasing tendencies, and the exhaustion that comes with having little to no boundaries with yourself and others.

  • The fence around a garden serves a very functional [and sacred] purpose!


Personalize Your Practices

  • You’ll create and customize spacious, nourishing, and doable practices that you can turn to regardless of what's going on in your life or the world.

  • You’ll learn how to be more reflective and less reactive.

  • You’ll gain new tools that you can put to good use in particularly tender or tricky moments.

Lead with Love

  • You’ll learn and practice how to deeply love yourself for who you are and not just what you do.

  • Extending self-acceptance and compassion to all of you builds your confidence from the inside out. It also helps you extend unconditional love and compassion out to others.

  • We’ll talk about your unique version of heart-centered leadership, you’ll invite others to support you, and you’ll identify and expand upon how you'll continue to bloom after the program ends.

What previous women’s circle clients say about the program…