Stacy Raye Kellogg Stacy Raye Kellogg

What's the difference between being burned out 🔥 + lit up ✨?

Maybe you would never want to dance in a parade, wear a disco-ball-inspired dress at a Vegas birthday party, or be anywhere near an act of civil disobedience at a state capitol building.

That's completely understandable!

Each one of us have a unique version of what matters most to us.

How much of your time and energy goes into what matters most to you,?

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Stacy Raye Kellogg Stacy Raye Kellogg

The REAL why behind this women's circle.

As a 6 year old, I got the message loud and clear: other people's needs come before mine and if something goes wrong, it's my fault.

I need to be clear: I don't blame my mom for showing me this example. She was doing the absolute best she could.

Doctors were telling her my Dad wouldn't make it and she was having to face the possibility of raising two kids on her own on a teacher's salary (about $23,000 a year).

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Stacy Raye Kellogg Stacy Raye Kellogg

How Caroline went from resentful to JOY-FULL! ✨

You've heard about my Outgrow the Grind Women's Circle.

But what's it actually like from a participant’s perspective?

Meet [very sweet!] Caroline, Creative Professional + Bright Fashionista + Live Music Aficionado.

She's also the participant that blurted out "this shit really works!" in our 3rd session together.

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