Stacy Raye Kellogg Stacy Raye Kellogg

I changed my mind.

I share this "quitter's confession" to remind you that it's okay to change your mind.

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Stacy Raye Kellogg Stacy Raye Kellogg

Happy new moon!

It's true that new moons are believed to be a particularly potent time for setting intentions and launching new projects (as long as you're not forcing yourself into unrealistic new project deadlines, so I've learned 😜!).

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Stacy Raye Kellogg Stacy Raye Kellogg

Self-Doubt and Not Enough-ness

This moment reminded me that when I’m putting lots of pressure on myself to prove, to please, to perform, it’s like I’m standing on the hose of my own life force energy and wondering what's amiss.

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Stacy Raye Kellogg Stacy Raye Kellogg

What's "the grind"?

"The grind" could be...

Doing everything on your own and not asking for help

A revolving door of self-help classes / diets / "bootcamps" that you’ve tried that all left you feeling crummy

Feeling nonstop guilt (both for what you are and aren’t doing)…

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