What would you do with more time + energy? 🔮

What would you do with more time and more energy?

Would you go on more trips to see your favorite loved ones?

Finally learn to play the mandolin?

Take that Comedy MasterClass with Steve Martin?

Actually take your vacation days and do something that excites and energizes you with the time?

Eat your lunch at a table instead of your desk?

Here's the thing.

When your To Do List is full of shoulds and obligation-flavored yesses [that you only said yes to because you felt bad about saying no], your time and energy seem to magically [and unfortunately...] disappear.

Does that sound familiar?

Where did the last hour go to?

The last couple o' days?

The last week?

The last month?

The entire last year?

And I know that pandemic-timing isn't doing us any favors. Not at all. 🆘

One of my big missions in life is to help deeply caring high-achievers say YES to themselves.

YES to...

Your needs.

Your big fat juicy dreams.

The whispers coming from your intuition that you'd love to follow [but you don't know quite how to yet].

What you'd love to do with more time and energy!

Your To Do List dictates a lot of where your precious time and energy goes.

Do you make time for another "I just want to pick your brain" call OR take a baby step towards your big dream?

Do you say yes to watching a family member's dog because you "should" because you "owe" them [for collecting your mail when you were out of town two years ago] OR say yes to a weekend of rest and no external obligations.

Do you forgo the walk or the massage or the cooking your favorite dinner because someone at work needs your help [again] and you just "don't have time" for what you wanna do?

You get the idea.

Whether you're honoring what matters most to you and what brings you energy [or not] is completely up to you. 💯

And if you have a system for creating a To Do List that honors what you value AND your energy levels, you have better filtering systems before something new even gets added to that list.

Kind of like a bodyguard that protects your time and energy.

[placeholder where I'd insert the perfect gif of Kevin Costner from Bodyguard if I could find it]

I’ve created a simple, experiential structure that helps deeply caring high-achievers like you discern which To Do List items matter the most, and which ones don’t.

In this 2-hour workshop, you’ll review your To Do List and get clarity on what’s a “yes” and what’s a “no” so you can focus your oh-so-precious attention, time and energy on what matters most to you.

You’ll tackle your To Do’s in a supportive space with other deeply caring high achievers who also want more freedom and space and time to recharge.

The workshop is tomorrow from noon - 2pm ET so if you're in, you'll need to sign up by midnight in order to join us (hence the nifty countdown timer below)!

Register here.

Wishing for a weekend that honors YOU,


P.S. To those of you who are Outgrow the Grind podcast listeners, I have a brand new episode coming out Monday morn! Yahoo!! 🎉


Itchy, ill-fitting hand-me-downs 😳


Cheers to 🌱 GROWTH!