I’d love your feedback.
I just finished inviting women like you into the latest round of the Outgrow the Grind Women's Circle — and I noticed that you didn’t sign up.
Would you consider filling out a four question survey to share a little bit about why you didn't join?
I promise it'll take you less than 5 minutes.
It's important to me that I'm creating offerings that truly resonate with you. Your feedback will really help me!
Here's the short survey.
To thank you for completing the survey, I'll send you my 🌷BLOOM playlist, which includes over 2.5 hours of songs that will brighten your day and help you embody your amazingness.
The 🌷BLOOM growth phase and playlist is all about shining your unique light out into the world in a way that feels good to you.
I just added a new song to it a few days ago... if you haven't yet heard Ray Lamontagne's "Step Into Your Power", you must!
A quote to encompass the BLOOM growth phase is from SARK: "Delight yourself and delight the world!"
Can't we ALL use a little more delight right now?
To further tempt you to share your feedback, here's what one of the women in my first women's circle said about the playlists...
I appreciate you, and I'm so grateful that your part of our community!
Thank you,
PS. Here's that short survey again.