Podcast: “Outgrow the {High-Achiever} Grind” on That’s Enough with Kelly Haller
It was a treat to join Kelly on her podcast!
From Kelly’s shownotes:
Do you identify as a ‘high-achiever’? If not…you might by the end of this episode ;)
Today, Stacy and I are talking about ‘underground’ high-achievers. These are the folks who have an inner critic that never lets them rest. Stacy and I both know because we have BEEN there!
No matter how much we achieved, we feel like there wasn’t much to be proud of.
Stacy helps these high-achievers get where they want to be – HOW THEY WANT to be there.
Ready to come along? Get ready to ask the right questions and get honest with yourself so you can reconnect to what really matters to you.
Questions like:
What lights me up? What brings me energy? What drains my energy? What matters to me? What doesn’t really matter to me? What am I pretending is working?What’s actually working? Time to recalibrate your GPS to your own expectations and what truly feels good.