Stacy Raye Kellogg Stacy Raye Kellogg

A dose of inspiration for you!

“These folks who tell us to move on, that it's not a big deal, that we should forget what happened, even telling us that we should apologize - these are the same tactics of abusers.”

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Stacy Raye Kellogg Stacy Raye Kellogg

Bernie's Mittens + Boundaries

At a time when there's so much external encouragement to monetize everything, especially the things that others have deemed "valuable", she said no.

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Stacy Raye Kellogg Stacy Raye Kellogg

Are you ready to let go of what weighs you down?

When you learn how to lift and fling the weight of self-judgement off of you, you can explore those old stories and “shoulds” with compassion.

You can see where you might’ve picked them up, what kept them in place, and start to replace the old heavy stories with new, lighter, more empowering ones. You can share more of you with the world.

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